Monday, June 20, 2011

Chronic Road Rage

So I apparently suffer from chronic road rage. Or enjoy it. Either way, road rage. I havent been afflicted by it here lately until today but COME ON PEOPLE! Yes they have gas pumps at walmart, dont have a stroke. Unless its a heat stroke because your dumbass is willing to wait in line forEVER to get gas that's a whole 3 cents cheaper. While waiting in line your burning all you just saved. Dumb shit. But it is like people turn into the walmart parking lot and forget how to drive. Is there a magic force field at the walmart drive way that automatically takes away your common sense? I always thought walmart was of the devil. The devil has stolen your brain.

So my mother in law is currently in the hospital. Hope it turns out to be nothing, worried it will be something. I know we have our differences and stuff but I love her and wish her well. And what would the family do without her? Other than Boo the majority of them can barely fucntion without her holding their hands or at least raising their kids. No not everyone but we all know that the youngest cant raise his own kids. And the oldest is such a pile of shit. Saw it in walmart today. I have never actually seen someone turn their heads to avoid some one else before, but there it was. Subtle much? I think not.

So lots on my mind. I just cant decide!! Do I go there or do I stay here?? Yall tell me lol! Nothing to stupid going on in my life currently. Where actually there is a shitload of stupid. I mean get the shit straight. I was polite enough to point out the problem now fucking fix it!


Friday, June 3, 2011

Assisted suicide

So Jack Kevorkiam died. Age 83. I used to be one of those people that believed that it was cruel to let people suffer. I mean we dont let our dogs suffer the way we let some of our humans suffer. Ive watched people suffer and it sucks. It tears at my heart to watch these people dying in a horrible manner and know they are hurting. So I did lean towards the whole doctor assisted suicide thing. But the other night I watched a show on tv called Dying in Oregon or something along those lines. It was was doctor assisted suicide in Oregon. And it turned my stomach. I would have said if someone asked me last week if I agreed with physician assisted suicide I would have agreed with it. But now, NO! I cant say I feel that way. There was just something about the way they presented that show that makes me still feel sick to my stomach and soul. I feel dirty after watching this show. I truely believe it is awful the way people have to suffer but I just dont know about the assisted suicide thing now. I would have said that it was something I was firm on but now I feel different. Oh well, good thing Im a nurse and not a doctor right?

Lets see readers..... I had more I wanted to say. I really want to invest in a kindle or something. I have offically run out of space to put books. I do need something new to read though. Im reading the last in the outlander series and its like 1 million pages long. But I would love something a little more relaxing.

So back to the grind.....
tata yalls

Friday, May 27, 2011


Well crap. I had this whole post done up and all and it disapeared. SOB!!!

So tomorrow is the birthday party for my awesomeness. I am so sad that my awesomeness is growing up. But I know that with each year my awesomeness gets even more awesome.

So I am so tired of listening to these people talk about themselves all the time. I am sorry your mom didnt praise you enough that you feel the need to toot your own horn ALL THE DAMN TIME!! But LEARN some humility! And stop tooting yourself in that whinny ass voice. And grow up too! Grow up, Man up or suck my dick. But not with your e.coli mouth. Thats just gross. Should have thought about the ass you were kissing there.

I love Jozzy!! lol!!

So I am feeling the need for change. I feel stagnant. But anyway


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Fox Sports

So I'm watching the Yankees and Red Sox game on fox sports. Sarah Silverman or whatever her name is is talking to them and she is a fucking idiot. She just condoned the use of LSD by pitchers. Fox just aired that shit. And that was about the only sentence she said that made sense. Fox is fucking idiots. They always down the Yankees. And tonight they said they could not get any famous Yankee fans to talk. BULLSHIT!!! If I were Billy Crystal of Alec Baldwin I wouldn't talk to those morons either. And that Silverman chick just sounded so stupid!! How could how they have let her talk. She said using drugs was ok but that steroids were bad. ARGH!!!! GRRRR!!!! Who in fox thought she was a good idea? I mean that was more ignorant than some of the fat ass unfriends I have. She must have been high or something. Half the shit she said didn't make any sense at all. UGH!!

It's May

So I just had to read back through to see what the last thing I said was..

Hello loyal reader!!! How is life treating you? Apparently I am exhausted in my life right now. Spoke to my mother this morning on the phone and have NO memory of it at all!! I will admit there are times when Im sleepy on the phone but this convo I have NO memory at all. Wow. Work is kicking my ass. I aint liking that evening shit, ahhemm, I mean shift.... lol

So I worked 2 doubles a week ago. Check looked nice but what does that tell you? Yep that's what it tells me too.

No big drama in my life currently. Kinda looking for some changes, just not sure how to go about making them. But I guess I will just hang in and chill for a little. Chillin chillin chillin, just keep on chillin.....

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Some people

So I was reading something on here and all I can say is WTF? These people LOL!!! Like is so full of humor. I love (read cant stand) those people that spend all the time talking about themselves and tooting their own horns. They in the next sentence stating how they dont care what others are saying while complaining about what others are saying. LOL!! This is like a car wreck that you cant look away from...

Soooo whats up my one loyal reader? LOL!! Life is just going here. I feel a rift coming on in my life. But thats life right?

I do need some advice though. How do you put up with someone when just the sound of that person's voice drives you insane? I mean this person hasnt done anything personally to me ever but just hearing her voice and the manner of her speech makes me want to drive nails into my brain!!! So advice welcome yall


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Second Hand smoke, dumbass

Second hand smoke is bad for kids. When they breathe it in they can get asthma. So it's just bad in general and anyone who thinks other wise is just a stupid fuck... I just wanted to get that off my chest.

I know lots of people who smoke. In fact I love lots of people who smoke. But I think people that smoke around their kids or even while pregnant are stupid fucks. Just my little opinion for the day

tata yall

OH heres a shout out to JRut! Since she finally read my blog :P

Saturday, April 23, 2011


So I think that people who become mothers are a very special type of people. And I'm not just talking people who pop babies out of their bodies, because we all know that's not what it takes to be a mother. But real moms who love and cherish and develop gray hair from worrying about their kids. Those are real moms.

But back to my original comment. Moms are special people who decide they need a challenge in life. They have decided that it's not enough to just keep themselves alive. But they need the challenge of keeping another living, breathing, eating, pooping being alive. They feel like life isn't enough of a challenge but lets be responsible for someone else's life. It's not enough to make yourself breathe, but you must keep constant vigil to make sure this other person is also breathing.

I took on a special challenge to motherhood the other day. I cleaned the room of a 6 year old boy. It was a war zone. I stepped in and the the trucks attacked me. After I made it past the onslaught of trucks the tractors set up a parameter against me. I suffered injuries from this one. Once I made it past this barricade I was jumped by stuffed animals and pelted with books! I finally subdued the forces of the room. I corralled them into containers, baskets and shelves. So I had cleared the battle zone this was followed by vacuuming. I knew I had won when everything stayed in its appointed place while I vacuumed! I felt victorious!

So I had cleaned and vacuumed and while I was leaving the room.........LEGOS!!!! They are like little miniature land mines!!!! I had to have stepped on half a dozen on the way out of the room. I thought I had won the battle but I very definitly lost the war.

Like I said.... Mother's who want a very special challenge.....


Monday, April 11, 2011

almost over

So today is the last of my latest 6 days stretch. About time.. I was doing good till I got up this afternoon.. I would love some more sleep. So whats up loyal reader(s)? So I just had a brain fart or something. I'm working on an irritation. Gotta brush that shit off. I love a hypocrite though. I mean how can you tell someone you don't want there to still be anger between you then just bad mouth the shit out of that person. There's your fucking stupidity. I would going to use the word ignorance but I think stupidity fits a person like that better. I wonder if people like this have a fave color? I bet it's green for jealousy. OH! And I love being judged for my parenting skills. My kid is pretty healthy and seems well rounded. But maybe it's because I don't actually raise my own child. I mean he is in my presence currently and I feel a panic attack coming on (read sarcasm). I only spent the first 4 yrs as a stay at home mom. Unlike some people who shove their kid off on someone they've only met once. But hey its ok to smoke around your kids too. The dumbass shit said that. LOL!!! So Saturday was my friend Jozzy's bday!! Had fun hanging with her before had to go to that place that involves blue scrubs and poop. We did get to watch the abdominalable abbominableable snowman at the quwarker barrel though LOL!! Ok yall outsies!! tata

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

grown up

I feel like a grown up and I dont like it. I was talking to my friend Michelle and while talking, I unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher, did a load of laundry and fed M twice!!! And the whole time I was talking about work. These are the actions of adults and I DONT LIKE IT!!!! Dont like this grown up shit!! My legs ache. Like ache bad. It sucks to be me right now LOL!! But life is filled with humor. Do you know what is so awesome? Grandparents. They are truly awesome. SOME grandparents know that in order to keep their grandchildren alive they have to babysit them. SOME grandparents know that the safety and sanity of the world is only safe if they remove their grandchildren from their parents occasionally LOL!!! What isnt awesome are those grandparents that just want bragging rights but then cant be bothered with spending time with their grandchildren. What do yall think the grand part is there for? But this is just an opinion from me. So those of you who get pissed, whatever. I dont care. This is just a basic opinion. I understand that everyone situation is different. But this is just a general opinion. LOL!!! tata


MICHELLE!!! She gave me a shout out in her blog... I feel so warm and fuzzy inside now LOL!! LOVE YOU MICHELLE!!!! Cant wait!!!! I work naked LOL!!! tata

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Twisting paintings

So last saturday ANP and Jess and I went to painting with a twist. I think I needed a little more twisting lol but I hadnt had any sleep and no sleep and wine dont twist. So we painted a big red poppie. Mine looked like a poppie in a hurricane lol!! I had fun though and I know ANP did. I guess Jess did. But my paint looks just as good as anyone elses from there. Even the irritating voiced lady who kept saying 'look at me look at me i want yellow.' But I did have fun and I think it's pretty and I want to do it again. And of course my Boo likes it and is going to hang it in his office!! M liked it too!! This should be the pic from our night

So I got to see my Michelle yesterday!! Im so excited!! I miss you and stuffies though!! She just had her birthday too. Great to be 18.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Beware the Ides of March

BEWARE THE IDES OF MARCH!!! So I was looking up some stuff about this day earlier. In todays time the Ides of March is seen with a sense of foreboading and dread because of the play Julius Ceasar, but apparently in Ceaser's time Ides was just a way of saying the 15 of the month. I think it was for months march, may and some other ones. But I cant remember and I dont feel like relooking it up. So in the play the soothsayer told Ceasar to beware the ides of March. As Im sure you know Ceasar was killed on the 15th of March. What is so interesting about this is the fact that Ceasar was LITERALY stabbed in the back by his best friend. So I have this view that you should beware the fruit borne on the Ides of March also. Whether it is literaly or figurativly begin stabbed in the back by a best friend is one of the worst feelings and offenses that can happen to a body. So Et tu Brute? At least when Brutus stabbed Ceasar he throught he was doing it for the better good and later had the decency to fall on his own sword. Brutus thought he was working for the better good unlike those who cant follow a conversation or think beyond the tips of their own noses. But I guess Brutus was kinda like this also. He was mislead by others. But the whole time he was thinking about people other than himself. He was not self serving in anyway. He ended a life time friendship over miscommunication. Sounds familar.

So I say again. Et tu Brute? Et tu old friend?

Tata lol

Sunday, March 13, 2011


So today is my Mom's birthday!! Happy birthday mom!! Love you. The awesomest mom and all that jazz.. I mean for real and all, she does put up with me and she didnt drown me at birth or any other time in the 19 years I lived at home. So she must be a saint or something.

So I am getting so fucking mad. I am so tired of hearing all this bullshit. Boo thinks I should just feed into the delusions of those around me and I think I just might start doing. I am just so tired of hearing it!!! Yall are fucking adults.. Grow up and quit bitching about it or do something about it. And sometimes I want to tell one of those people that talking about all the dating they did actually makes them sound like a whore. Which Im pretty sure might be accurate!!!

So Lacy dog is gone. She needed to go but it broke my heart too. M hasnt mentioned it yet, but I know he knows.

So this is my weekend to work. BLAH!!! It is just so BORING at work on my weekend.

anyway tata!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011


LOL I'm a dork!! So I was trying to do my taxes earlier and apparently I put something in wrong because it said I was getting 1 million dollars back.. LOL!!! Wouldnt that have been nice? I wish. Oh well. I always feel ill when I do our taxes. Makes me nausoues and all. Anyway

Boo and I got a new tv at last. LED LCD. Looks pretty. REAL pretty. I would have loved one of those 3D tvs but I was not quiet willing to pay that much money just yet. But it sure looks pretty. And its smarter than me too!

It was so great to be off this weekend. I some how let myself get talked into relay for life. So anyone wanna make a donation to my team? I would appericate it!

Oh Liberals... poor poor liberals

tata for now!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


So preseason baseball is upon us! I AM SO HAPPY! The world just seriously became a happier place.

Spent yesterday with my buds Michelle and Jessica. It was so good to get out of Meridian for a few hours and not have to worry about anything. Stress is kicking all our asses but it was good to get away. I was just kinda happy to be on the highway driving. But that's just me.

The boys went camping. Apparently it exhausted the big boy the most because the smaller version is still running around. It was nice to sleep in my own little world all alone though. Lol Yeah I know....

Anyway tata

Sunday, February 20, 2011

more truck drama

So as my dedicated readers well know I had a wreck back in November.. Well got the tahoe back at the beginning of January. Well after getting the initial little things fixed I just gave up on anything else. Friday when I got off work I went to get my oil changed. While there I asked how much it would cost to fix my external temp gage (something that hasnt worked since I got it back from the body shop). Well after spending 2 hours looking for the problem the mechanic comes out and says that the temp sensor and EVERY involved in it WAS NOT THERE!!! UGH! So I went back to the body shop and told them. Have to bring it back monday to get all that fixed. While waiting at the body shop I broke my key off in the ignition!!!! So this results in the purchase of 2 new keys. Keys that have to be PROGRAMMED!!! The guy in the parts department was pretty nice though. So thank you parts guy. Well later that evening Boo is FINALLY able to get the broke key out and the new key programmed! Just for future reference there is only a 5 second window in which to get the old key out and the new key in while programming. Just thought yall should know. So that was my most recent truck drama! Life is full of humor as yall can tell LOL!

So I have to work 3-11 today. I actually kinda like that shift but it is so busy. Just hope it goes well. Least I will get to see ANP! Assuming I dont go work in some other hellhole. I would put money on the other hell hole part

Anyway!! tata

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Well if could have been dick, huh

Hello world... Happy sound not somber like that song

So what's up faithful readers? My fingers arent working right. I keep missing letters.

Im feeling kinda lost and drifty lately. I dont have anything concrete to work on. No book to read, no school to do and work is just a hobby anyway right? Should be anyway. Work should be a hobbish activity that you get paid for.

I dont really have anything to bitch about currently. Anything that might inspire bitching at the moment isnt really worth excertion of my fingers.

Well I lived long enough to read the last of the Fever books. Im still in awe. I wanted to reread it but I couldnt handle it emotionally. I still want to cry when I think about the ending. But I still LOVE Barrons!! Who wouldnt?

In March the last Earth's Children book comes out. Cant wait!!

So Im going to head homeward but I just wanted to add as an after thought


Friday, January 28, 2011

everyone can suck it

Yep thats what is says. Everyone can fucking suck it. Fuck you and you and you, but not you because youre not worth the time or waste of energy. Fuck it all!!!

I am is such a foul mood. Sorry I am airing my bad moodiness everywhere. Im tired and my child is sick and Im fucking pissy!!!

STAFF PEOPLE!!! Yep Fuck you too! Just wanted to make sure you were listening..

Ok I am going to take several deep breathes.... Slow and deep. I also have boogers in my nose and that irritates me too!!!

I was just reminded that the reason I became a nurse was money and eternal boredom. Dont know how I forgot that. But to top off my mood, I cant figure out how to turn my parents tv off..
I was just typing something and I thought for a second there I typed 'I dont care' by accident lol

I am so freaking tired... Im just a few hours away from 24 hrs up....

I think Ive calmed down some but I still feel the need to say FUCK YOU!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

phone bill

So I havent paid my real phone bill in so long I dont remember the password to it lol!! And they have changed their website since the last time I paid it LOL!!! Why pay it often? It's shitty ass service.... anyway

So we had fun this weekend with friends and drinks. It was good to not be at the stressed out place we call work. Pain in the ass yall. And if work isnt stressful enough I am tired of hearing about other people's problems! I didnt go any farther into psychology because I didnt want to listen to people bitch about problems they thought they had. Yeah I know Im a nurse but most of the people I am dealing with have REAL problems, not just perceived problems. Ive got problems too, but I dont spend half my time whining about it. And personally if you hate it so much DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!! Problems are like politics. You cant bitch about the government if you dont vote, you cant bitch about your problems if youre not going to take forward action to fix them. But thats just my opinion

My great aunt Bobby died. She's been ill a very long time so it's just one of those things.

What else is going on....hmmmm.... Oh I think someone I know has the begining of a drinking problem. Yep, gulp gulp. Oh and my, read this MY friends said they want to split custody of Boo in the divorce. I see where their loyalties lie...
