Friday, May 27, 2011


Well crap. I had this whole post done up and all and it disapeared. SOB!!!

So tomorrow is the birthday party for my awesomeness. I am so sad that my awesomeness is growing up. But I know that with each year my awesomeness gets even more awesome.

So I am so tired of listening to these people talk about themselves all the time. I am sorry your mom didnt praise you enough that you feel the need to toot your own horn ALL THE DAMN TIME!! But LEARN some humility! And stop tooting yourself in that whinny ass voice. And grow up too! Grow up, Man up or suck my dick. But not with your e.coli mouth. Thats just gross. Should have thought about the ass you were kissing there.

I love Jozzy!! lol!!

So I am feeling the need for change. I feel stagnant. But anyway


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