Friday, January 28, 2011

everyone can suck it

Yep thats what is says. Everyone can fucking suck it. Fuck you and you and you, but not you because youre not worth the time or waste of energy. Fuck it all!!!

I am is such a foul mood. Sorry I am airing my bad moodiness everywhere. Im tired and my child is sick and Im fucking pissy!!!

STAFF PEOPLE!!! Yep Fuck you too! Just wanted to make sure you were listening..

Ok I am going to take several deep breathes.... Slow and deep. I also have boogers in my nose and that irritates me too!!!

I was just reminded that the reason I became a nurse was money and eternal boredom. Dont know how I forgot that. But to top off my mood, I cant figure out how to turn my parents tv off..
I was just typing something and I thought for a second there I typed 'I dont care' by accident lol

I am so freaking tired... Im just a few hours away from 24 hrs up....

I think Ive calmed down some but I still feel the need to say FUCK YOU!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry your not feeling good. Wish I could be there to hug you. I love you! It will get better...maybe.
