Thursday, December 30, 2010

Im still pissed

So it's been almost a week since Christmas and I am still pissed. I am glad I got to spend Christmas with my family. That was great.

So we go to the in laws. Told them we would be there at 7 because they told us another family member wouldnt be off till 7. Well LIE! Other family member got off at 6 and no one called and told us or answered their phones when Boo was calling to ask if things were still going to be at 7. So we get there at like 7:05 (yeah we were late, because they told Boo to bring dessert and I had to turn around to get it.) Well what do you know they are opening presents! All the kids are surrounded by presents. Matheson stands there for 5 minutes and they NEVER hand him a gift. FUCK THEM!!! Yes I know that gifts arent the "reason for the season." BUT! When all the kids are surrounded by presents and M doesnt have one, how do you think that makes him feel? He asked me if there was anything there for him. A grandchild should NOT have to ask that when all the grand kids are surrounded by presents. That shit makes me so mad!!! It is like that every year. And to top it off this year THEY DONT EVEN FUCKING KNOW HIS NAME!!!!!
I am so angry I could scream!! I want to scream and slam heads together. Only 2 things that I saw have Matheson on them. I am so happy that Aunt Joni and Uncle James know Matheson's name.

FUCK YOU THAT DO NOT KNOW YOUR OWN NEPHEW OR GRANDSON'S NAME!!!! That is so fucking stupid. Yall are such shitty stupid people that this blog probably wont even register in your little pea sized self centered brains. Hell yall are probably to stupid to realize this is even about any of yall!!!

But consider this the end of your relationship with your grandson.

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