Friday, December 31, 2010

crash then burn

So we got a call from the body shop today saying that the tahoe would be ready later today. SOOO good!! We go pick her up and let me tell you she is PRETTY!!! They pretty much replaced the whole driver's side of the truck. So Im driving to the rental place to pick up Boo and burn!! Now there are engine problems or mechanical problems or something!!! I want to cry. But Nelson Hall was really good. They stayed after hours to look at it and got us something else to drive. So my truck is now in the service department lol!! Least Im out of that HHR but now I'm in a Ford and it is weird LOL!!!

Happy New Years Yall

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Im still pissed

So it's been almost a week since Christmas and I am still pissed. I am glad I got to spend Christmas with my family. That was great.

So we go to the in laws. Told them we would be there at 7 because they told us another family member wouldnt be off till 7. Well LIE! Other family member got off at 6 and no one called and told us or answered their phones when Boo was calling to ask if things were still going to be at 7. So we get there at like 7:05 (yeah we were late, because they told Boo to bring dessert and I had to turn around to get it.) Well what do you know they are opening presents! All the kids are surrounded by presents. Matheson stands there for 5 minutes and they NEVER hand him a gift. FUCK THEM!!! Yes I know that gifts arent the "reason for the season." BUT! When all the kids are surrounded by presents and M doesnt have one, how do you think that makes him feel? He asked me if there was anything there for him. A grandchild should NOT have to ask that when all the grand kids are surrounded by presents. That shit makes me so mad!!! It is like that every year. And to top it off this year THEY DONT EVEN FUCKING KNOW HIS NAME!!!!!
I am so angry I could scream!! I want to scream and slam heads together. Only 2 things that I saw have Matheson on them. I am so happy that Aunt Joni and Uncle James know Matheson's name.

FUCK YOU THAT DO NOT KNOW YOUR OWN NEPHEW OR GRANDSON'S NAME!!!! That is so fucking stupid. Yall are such shitty stupid people that this blog probably wont even register in your little pea sized self centered brains. Hell yall are probably to stupid to realize this is even about any of yall!!!

But consider this the end of your relationship with your grandson.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to my readers. I am blessed this year like every year to be able to spend this time with my family and friends. I am blessed to be with those this year that I could have lost last year. I am blessed to remember those I wont get to see again. I am blessed to have made it to this holiday lol! I just want my family and friends to know I love them and hope to spend the next year laughing and cutting up with them LOL!!

I hope that next year I get to share the holiday with the same people I spent it with this year. I hope that I get to sing Christmas carols at work even though I don't know any of the words!

But anyway. I hope everyone out there has had a blessed and happy Christmas this year

Tomorrow the holiday will be over and I can let the rest of my feelings out

Love to all and bubbling around

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

stem cell therapy

So I've been seeing this commercial for Stem Cell Therapy, a face lotion. I have watched the whole commercial and I understand what it is saying and how it works. But the only thing I can think while watching this commercial is...... it's a jar full of aborted fetuses. Yep thats the only thought I have.. People are rubbing aborted fetus on their face. I mean where else would they get a surplus of stem cells? Yeah I know this is morbid and gross and probably offensive to anyone who reads this but what else do you expect to come from my finger tips? For real now...
I realized I need a real journal today lol because sometimes I say things that other people probably shouldnt read lol! But I am who I am... Im like the Yankees.. you either love me or hate me

Byebye for now!

Monday, December 20, 2010

useless penises

Ok you penis possessors out there. Yall are flat useless. I have asked several penis possessors the same question and I havent gotten a straight answer yet. Granted I could ask the man in my life and get the answer I need put that would ruin the lack of suprise on his Christmas present. So I guess I'm going to have to ask my Daddy because I know he will know. And before yall saying anything, Daddies are in a class all their own. So NAH!!

I just realized I am a shitty parent. Im sitting at my mother's and M's tee ball trophy and his sunday school project are both over here. Why arent these things at my house? I'm as confused as the next person.

So I had fun this evening with my girls. Got some shopping done too. Yeah I know Christmas is saturday but Im a scrooge.

Oh did I mention that my unfriend texted me after my wreck.. Told me she still loved me. Whatever. Funny way of showing some shit. Well my heart was broken and that shit dont heal! Swim in your guilt.

I am so happy to finally me off!!! I hate thos 6 day stretches. Oh well. Wish payday was a little earlier this week. Oh well....

Tata for now... cant wait to hit the sack...... bubbling away

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Its been a month

So it's been a month since my last blog. Wonder where I have been? Oh yeah that work place lol.. So I am still without my truck. Pissy. Body shop said it would be after Christmas before I got it back.. Time has run out on my rental so that's an inconvenience. But anyway. How are yall my loyal reader (s)?

I have just been working. Got all the little nieces and nephews gifts out of the way. The M is taken care of. I still need to get the Boo something and my parents. Ohh it's never ending lol

I'm sick. Sucks to be me right now. I'm finally at the last day of my 6 day stretch. What was I thinking working on my day off?! Where did my brain power go? Must have went into my 7 patients.

Let me tell yall, I am seeing some frustrating shit. I know I have an attitude but there is a time and a place for every attitude and something other people's attitudes are IN THE WRONG place. And really, either SUCK IT or GET OFF YOUR KNEES!!! I just wanted to say that. I am damned tired of stupid talk!!

I didn't know the Duggars were on say Yes to the dress.

I always feel like I have so much to pour out then when I sit down to type it out I remember that some of the shit want to pour out some people might not should read LOL!! Maybe I should just write in a journal

tata for now.... still in a bubble