Monday, June 14, 2010


AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (real monsters) Anyway, I start tomorrow OFFICIALLY as an RN.!!! I am so scared to death.. My stomach as been ill all day lol! When I went in to personal the lady said I was the first one to come in with their license. Yay me!! So now that I have used all this hard work and cried more in the last 2 yrs that I have EVER in my whole life, what do I do? Did school really teach me the skills I need to make decisions and care for people? What the HELL am I thinking? Do I really think I can care of people's needs and advocate for me? I AM INSANE!!!! There is no way I am ready for this!!! I cant even claim to be good in theory so what makes me think I will succeed in actuality? AHHHHHH!!!! And frankly 7 am sucks! Lol!
So anyway world, how are you today? Shout outs to my friends Sgeri and Chris for passing their boards!!!! Shannon can have one too even tho shes been a nurse like a month now lol!!
Well M seems to be enjoying summer. Spent ALL weekend in the pool. Me? I slaved away at work lol!! But I got to train the new guy. Not that theres alot of training to do but ya know how it is. M just told me about watching Scruffy. I remember watching that movie when I was a kid. HATED IT!! Why do all movies have to have someone die in them? I need to find Rickie Tickie Tavy for him. That is a classic. Loved that one.

So, there are people in this world that need some damned raising!! I dont care if they are adults they still need to be taught appropriateness. I mean yall are GROWN ADULTS IN YOUR LATE twenties and thirties. Dont you realize how fucked up your life is? How shitty people think you are? The people who are laughing and agreeing with you are 10 yrs younger than you so obviously they arent mature enough to know shit anyway. Hang out with people your own fucking age and maybe you would learn a thing or two. Of course people your own age wouldnt put up with your BS so I guess your only choice are children. Well you need to realize where the error is in your lives. Stupid damned shits!!

Bye for now yall LOL!!!!!
-H. Hollingsworth RN

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