Monday, June 28, 2010

RN week 3

So I am entering my 3rd week as an RN. Fun fun. It's only monday evening and my feet already hurt. LOL!! I dont want to say I enjoy what I'm doing because people will be critical of this but I like having something to do that is productive. It makes me feel productive and not useless.
My mind is filled with hard feelings now. Im actually getting tired of all this shit. But I will not just let these feelings go, because if I do then nothing matters anymore. And fuck it. SHIT MATTERS!!! Some people are so fucking shit. So full of shit. I am so frustrated with it. And then there's the know it alls. Ya know what I know? That I dont know SHIT! And frankly knowing that is knowing more than some people.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Oh work and I dont get along to well LOL!!! I am so excited to know that I dont have to get up till 6 am in the morning!! YAY!!! I'm probably going to miss these days shifts though when I'm working nites.

So I am in week 2 of RNing it. Yay me!! I'm surviving and so are my patients!! Really, can you ask for anything else? I think not. But my feet do hurt and I feel fuzzy headed at the end of the day. M and I went to bed at 8 pm last night. He was laying there going "the sun is still up, why are we going to bed in the morning." Love that boy. He is so funny.

Why does my Mom's sweet tea taste better than mine? I mean for real right? I want some chocolate.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Hello world
Part of the skin on my upper arm is missing. Sucks. Bet it's going to suck even more tomorrow. I am tired today. I didnt get tired till a few mins ago. So I did nursie things with the charge nurse today. That was very interesting. I am greatly intimidated. It's cool though. I finally got my actual license in the mail. About damned time....

Matheson is insane. Just wanted the world to know I have an insane kid.. He's pretty awesome though lol

So I am reading this latest book by Laurell K Hamilton. I am really starting to get bored with this series. I am sick of pretty men. Men are suppose to be MEN!! MANLY MEN!!! Not look good with lipstick on. But that's just my opinion. With hair in weird places and scratching lol!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Hello blog followers... how are yall this hot day?
Had a pretty good day at work. Enjoyed myself, so I guess that's what matters.

M is so funny. He just talks and talks and talks, about ANYTHING!!!

Im really not very witty today lol.... I think my brain is fried by neulasta, neupogen and ummmmmmm..... potassium? Who knows right?

Monday, June 14, 2010


AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (real monsters) Anyway, I start tomorrow OFFICIALLY as an RN.!!! I am so scared to death.. My stomach as been ill all day lol! When I went in to personal the lady said I was the first one to come in with their license. Yay me!! So now that I have used all this hard work and cried more in the last 2 yrs that I have EVER in my whole life, what do I do? Did school really teach me the skills I need to make decisions and care for people? What the HELL am I thinking? Do I really think I can care of people's needs and advocate for me? I AM INSANE!!!! There is no way I am ready for this!!! I cant even claim to be good in theory so what makes me think I will succeed in actuality? AHHHHHH!!!! And frankly 7 am sucks! Lol!
So anyway world, how are you today? Shout outs to my friends Sgeri and Chris for passing their boards!!!! Shannon can have one too even tho shes been a nurse like a month now lol!!
Well M seems to be enjoying summer. Spent ALL weekend in the pool. Me? I slaved away at work lol!! But I got to train the new guy. Not that theres alot of training to do but ya know how it is. M just told me about watching Scruffy. I remember watching that movie when I was a kid. HATED IT!! Why do all movies have to have someone die in them? I need to find Rickie Tickie Tavy for him. That is a classic. Loved that one.

So, there are people in this world that need some damned raising!! I dont care if they are adults they still need to be taught appropriateness. I mean yall are GROWN ADULTS IN YOUR LATE twenties and thirties. Dont you realize how fucked up your life is? How shitty people think you are? The people who are laughing and agreeing with you are 10 yrs younger than you so obviously they arent mature enough to know shit anyway. Hang out with people your own fucking age and maybe you would learn a thing or two. Of course people your own age wouldnt put up with your BS so I guess your only choice are children. Well you need to realize where the error is in your lives. Stupid damned shits!!

Bye for now yall LOL!!!!!
-H. Hollingsworth RN

Saturday, June 12, 2010

It's Offical

So it is offical. I am a registered nurse!!! I am so freaking excited. It's amazing and surreal. So let's hope I am able to do this job. I have a number and everything!! YAY!!! So I took the NCLEX on June 5th.. It's amazing to know that I did actually learn something while in school. The nclex was actually easier than some of the test we took in school, but then I guess it should have been.

So I am sitting her watching Boo make cookies. The weekend people are going to miss Boo and his cookies LOL!!

My feeties are hurting. Lot's of walking today. I am kinda nervous, well really nervous about the whole being a real nurse thing.

Wow I just suck and am kinda boring huh. I cant think of anything interesting or enlightening to say. I just keep kinda staring at my lisence number. How moronic is that? lol! So world what is new with yall? I joined netflix the other day...Got our first movie yesterday. Still havent watched it.
So everyone is so excited that True Blood is coming back, but I could really care less. I think the show is kinda stupid. Give me Big Love any day of the week. Mormons are so much more amusing than vampires.

Alright, that's all for now folks...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

old blog

So I found my old blog.. all of 2 post and decided to import them to here. Look at me. I figured it out all on my own.... Only cussed a few times LOL!!
Who is Kevin Russo? I said the same thing several moments ago.. Just so yall are all in the know, he's a Yankee! So that makes him pretty cool.. He's playing left field right now..Made a pretty cool play a while ago. An out is an out after all.
Try marshmellows to stop diarrhea.. Just a little advice.. Sometimes the Docs even RX it. lol!

Gag me with as fork.... Yep that's the best I could come up with right now..

So I need some advice.. what should I get Boo and my own Dad for Father's Day? I am at a loss.. No idea!! So waiting for suggestions



Did you know that bedbugs can hide in your electronics? Didnt know that myself. So whats up world? I know I have a few followers but no one has answer my whats up question yet :P

So I was a bum today!! It is my favorite past time of all times. BUM!!! Im really enjoying this Unholy Ghost book I am reading. The author is Stacia Kane. Getting a little panicky now about what I will read next tho. I let my mom have Bullet but since she hasnt started it yet I might steal it back.
So I can like read for fun now and not feel guilty about not studying!! It's kinda not as much fun without the guilt lol!!
I wanna go shopping. Who wants to go? I need to make a trip to Jackson to see my bud. HEY MICHELLE!!
Just watched M fall off the ramp on the back of the house.. Probably one of those things you're not suppose to laugh at. M just came up to me and told me he was allergic to rattle snakes. I told him most ppl were so it was ok. My baby is so funny...
As always I am watching the Yankees!!! GO BRONX BOMBERS!!! It's tied 0-0 right now.
Well I have another day of orientation. Tomorrow is computer day.. I am kinda computer stupid so let's hope this works out. Least I will be able to print my own tray list, maybe.
Well that's all for now folks. Yeah I know we havent gotten really exciting yet, but trust me... the excitement is coming. My life is filled with excitement and adventures....

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

So I figured I could come up with something else to write about.... Anyone read anything good lately? I am currently reading Unholy Ghost, cant remember the author right off the top of my head. It's pretty good... Kinda freaky. It's about the "church" proving there was no God, only magic. Like I said, kinda freaky. I just recently finished Infinity by Sherilyn Kenyon. It was pretty good. It was better than some of her books.

OH GO TEX!!! Love them Yankees.....
So how does the world feel about 2 truths and 1 lie? I think that some people should grow the hell up on that note... but that's just me....

Day One

So I have decided to give this blogging thing a try. I used to blog some of myspace, but myspace is so dead nowa days lol. So, I dont know if I will have any followers but if I do, how are yall today?
Things are pretty good here. Finished nursing school. Supposedly passed boards (scared they may take it from me lol). Matheson survived his first year of real school and no one suffered bodily harm, as far as we can tell anyway.
I am currently watching the Yankees play (GO YANKS!!!) and umps just suck. He was so safe, well maybe not....
I went to my first semi real baseball game a few weeks ago. Boo and I went to see the MS Braves. I LOVE baseball. Matheson is suppose to start playing in July. We will see how that goes. Ive paid my money so he may just play in the dirt but we are going to give it a whirl.
Anyway, that's all for now folks... well let me add this: this is my blog, with my opinions. I listed it as adult contents because I at times resemble a sailor.. So yall have been warned :)