Tuesday, March 29, 2011

grown up

I feel like a grown up and I dont like it. I was talking to my friend Michelle and while talking, I unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher, did a load of laundry and fed M twice!!! And the whole time I was talking about work. These are the actions of adults and I DONT LIKE IT!!!! Dont like this grown up shit!! My legs ache. Like ache bad. It sucks to be me right now LOL!! But life is filled with humor. Do you know what is so awesome? Grandparents. They are truly awesome. SOME grandparents know that in order to keep their grandchildren alive they have to babysit them. SOME grandparents know that the safety and sanity of the world is only safe if they remove their grandchildren from their parents occasionally LOL!!! What isnt awesome are those grandparents that just want bragging rights but then cant be bothered with spending time with their grandchildren. What do yall think the grand part is there for? But this is just an opinion from me. So those of you who get pissed, whatever. I dont care. This is just a basic opinion. I understand that everyone situation is different. But this is just a general opinion. LOL!!! tata


MICHELLE!!! She gave me a shout out in her blog... I feel so warm and fuzzy inside now LOL!! LOVE YOU MICHELLE!!!! Cant wait!!!! I work naked LOL!!! tata

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Twisting paintings

So last saturday ANP and Jess and I went to painting with a twist. I think I needed a little more twisting lol but I hadnt had any sleep and no sleep and wine dont twist. So we painted a big red poppie. Mine looked like a poppie in a hurricane lol!! I had fun though and I know ANP did. I guess Jess did. But my paint looks just as good as anyone elses from there. Even the irritating voiced lady who kept saying 'look at me look at me i want yellow.' But I did have fun and I think it's pretty and I want to do it again. And of course my Boo likes it and is going to hang it in his office!! M liked it too!!
http://admin.paintingwithatwist.com/images/gallery/meridian/large/1733.jpg This should be the pic from our night

So I got to see my Michelle yesterday!! Im so excited!! I miss you and stuffies though!! She just had her birthday too. Great to be 18.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Beware the Ides of March

BEWARE THE IDES OF MARCH!!! So I was looking up some stuff about this day earlier. In todays time the Ides of March is seen with a sense of foreboading and dread because of the play Julius Ceasar, but apparently in Ceaser's time Ides was just a way of saying the 15 of the month. I think it was for months march, may and some other ones. But I cant remember and I dont feel like relooking it up. So in the play the soothsayer told Ceasar to beware the ides of March. As Im sure you know Ceasar was killed on the 15th of March. What is so interesting about this is the fact that Ceasar was LITERALY stabbed in the back by his best friend. So I have this view that you should beware the fruit borne on the Ides of March also. Whether it is literaly or figurativly begin stabbed in the back by a best friend is one of the worst feelings and offenses that can happen to a body. So Et tu Brute? At least when Brutus stabbed Ceasar he throught he was doing it for the better good and later had the decency to fall on his own sword. Brutus thought he was working for the better good unlike those who cant follow a conversation or think beyond the tips of their own noses. But I guess Brutus was kinda like this also. He was mislead by others. But the whole time he was thinking about people other than himself. He was not self serving in anyway. He ended a life time friendship over miscommunication. Sounds familar.

So I say again. Et tu Brute? Et tu old friend?

Tata lol

Sunday, March 13, 2011


So today is my Mom's birthday!! Happy birthday mom!! Love you. The awesomest mom and all that jazz.. I mean for real and all, she does put up with me and she didnt drown me at birth or any other time in the 19 years I lived at home. So she must be a saint or something.

So I am getting so fucking mad. I am so tired of hearing all this bullshit. Boo thinks I should just feed into the delusions of those around me and I think I just might start doing. I am just so tired of hearing it!!! Yall are fucking adults.. Grow up and quit bitching about it or do something about it. And sometimes I want to tell one of those people that talking about all the dating they did actually makes them sound like a whore. Which Im pretty sure might be accurate!!!

So Lacy dog is gone. She needed to go but it broke my heart too. M hasnt mentioned it yet, but I know he knows.

So this is my weekend to work. BLAH!!! It is just so BORING at work on my weekend.

anyway tata!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011


LOL I'm a dork!! So I was trying to do my taxes earlier and apparently I put something in wrong because it said I was getting 1 million dollars back.. LOL!!! Wouldnt that have been nice? I wish. Oh well. I always feel ill when I do our taxes. Makes me nausoues and all. Anyway

Boo and I got a new tv at last. LED LCD. Looks pretty. REAL pretty. I would have loved one of those 3D tvs but I was not quiet willing to pay that much money just yet. But it sure looks pretty. And its smarter than me too!

It was so great to be off this weekend. I some how let myself get talked into relay for life. So anyone wanna make a donation to my team? I would appericate it!

Oh Liberals... poor poor liberals

tata for now!!