Friday, October 22, 2010

Thank you for a few days off

So since the last time I was on here I have been to Nashville with 2 good friends, seen another good friend get married, saw some friends I havent seen in forever and a day, worked oodles and my aunt offically died. It's been kinda busy. Of course The M keeps me busy too but I dont really like blaring some things where anywhere can read it so no updates on that front.

So we made a road trip to Nashville. It was adventures in finding harley places. Both the GPS and William's directions sucked a little bit. Other than one more screw up from the GPS she did pretty good. I like Nashville. I think I want to move up there. Least for a bit anyway.

Work is going well. I still like it even when I dont.

I think my parents are going to snap. If baseball season doesnt end soon Im not sure both of them are going to survive. And while I will mourn the end of baseball season I love my parents more.

I went to the book store for the first time in forever today. Lots of books by people I want to read came out and I didnt even know it. I spent $75 on books, plus a frozen hot chocolate. LOVE IT! Im so excited to have new books. I dont even know which one to read first.

I am starting my second weekend in a row. That sucks but I have to take my licks for asking for a weekend off. Hopeful will be back to normal after this weekend. I am off Halloween. Dont know what I will do for it but oh well.

It has been so good to sleep at night the last 2 nights. I think I am catching up on sleep. I know they say you cant but I dont believe them

Ive seen some neat things at work lately. I think wounds are so cool!! I might have to look into wound care.

Ok I guess that's enough for the moment. Catchya later....

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