Sunday, October 31, 2010


Hello readers

So today is the actual Halloween but yesterday was the observed one I guess you would say. So the M was a vampire. The Boo was something gross and I was suppose to be death. Not sure how that came out. But the Devil and the Kitty were cute and I think at the end of the night Harold had had a good time. Him and the Indian. Had fun with friends last night at cresent city. Wish Danelle could have made it. How dare she let puking get in the way!!! Im so bad. Im sitting here eating Halloween candy at my mother's because she didnt have any trick or treaters. Someones got to eat it. It's a tough job. I need to take some of these little snickers to Kayla May!

So I am feeling somber and morose for some reason. Dont know whats up with that. I think thats one of the reason I am pigging out on the candy. I have loved being off for 3 days. Feel like I havent done anything though or slept any. Blah. Least I have some clean clothes now though.

I forgot my camera or I would have posted some of the pics from last night. Oh apparently I was suppose to do the family thing this weekend and I forgot and did the friend thing instead LOL. It happens

Anyway tata for now

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