Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy place

So the other night I was looking for my happy place and NOT finding it. Still looking for the damned thing. So not in it at the moment. I am just stressed. Feel like Im getting hit from all sides right now. Plus Holidays are coming up and let's be honest here. I am SCROOGE!! But anyway there are some things out there irritating me right now but I have a three day weekend so maybe they will be off my chest by Monday.

So I am going to kill Boo. Mainly because I thought he was dead this morning. He had some kind of weird allergic like reaction to something last night. Broke out in whelps all over. Never said he was having problems breathing but still. Then he drank half a bottle of children's benadryl. So when I'm getting reading to go to work he is almost passed out. I can barely wake him and I am scared to leave our M with him. So I put both the M and the Boo to bed and go to work. Well when I call the Boo at 0630 he doesnt answer!!! Any of the 10 times I call him!!!! So I am thinking he is dead. Had some anaphalaxis or something!!! So I call my mother to go check on him. Anyway, he's alive and well. Least till I kill him for scaring me!!!

Let's see what else is going on.......... I'm kinda pissy at people messing with my life. And it's really not so much my life but just interactions in my life. It's just pissy for a person to go throw a big wrench in something for themselves and then leave the situation all together like they had nothing to do with it. Pissy pissy..

And why does the world thing all fat people are short with big boobies?? I got lots of leg to go with my lots of ass and little bit of boobie. Get the body right clothing makers!! On that note I wanna go shopping

ta-ta for now!!!

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