Saturday, August 28, 2010


STEAK!!! So Boo and I went out with some of my work peoples last night. FUN TIMES!! But the blender was broke so that kinda sucked. Boo is so weird. If I wasnt sleeping with him on a regular basis I would worry about him. Speaking of Boo, where the hell is he??

So whats up world? My uncle died this morning. It was expected. He was 88 so he had a long time. I remember being down there alot as a kid. Used to ride my horse down there all the time. He had a hitching post in his front yard. Remember the halloween party that year and he took us on a hay ride pulled my mules. He always had a mule or horse of some type. I remember that horse Zeke that he had. There was this big tree in his front yard with benches built around it too. Uncle Jamie will always own a piece of my memories. The last time I actually saw him, I drove him to the store and back because he couldnt see a thing.....

So I am on day 1 of my 7 day stretch. I did mention this and was told it would be rectified but it wasnt so I will just reap the rewards.

hmm.. Im hungry

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry about your Uncle. If you need anything just let me know. Love you.
