Sunday, November 14, 2010

fun with friends

I think I am still recovering from dying.. I have slept ALL day for 2 days. Of course for some reason when I work I dont sleep at all. Dont know whats up with that. But anyway....

Went out last night with friends. We are definatly in mourning of Cresent City. So we went and ate then when to Brews. It was kinda fun for what it is. If only I could make Poore's hips move. With that booty something should move lol!! I had fun though. It took some getting used to but it's something I would definatly do again. I would like to go somewhere where the played country music though. I guess Im going to have to move to Nashville. Sounds like a plan.

So whats up readers? It getting holiday season and I hate the holidays. I have to work Thanksgiving, the day before and the day after. Kinda sucks because Thanksgiving is something we have at our house. Least we have for the past few years. Oh well. I guesss I will be cooking (Boo and I anyway) for my work friends. Yeah yall are all going to wish you had been working.

I need a new mp3 player. Mines pretty much full... :(

Anyway talk at yalls later

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