Friday, September 17, 2010

Shoot me please

I am so sick. I just like suddenly hit me. I woke up yesterday to take M to school and felt ill. By the time I was going to work I wished I was dying. I snotted and stuff all night long. Even one of the nurses I was working with said I had been trying to catch my nose all night long. I still feel like crud. Sucks to be me currently. I mean I know it's hard for it to suck to be me but sometimes even my existence isn't perfect (rarely but sometimes).

I did my first enema last night. I'm not sure who was more traumatized, me or the receiving end.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

bye bye Daisy girl

So my dog Daisy died today. She was 8 years old. I found her on the side of the road 8 years ago. I had to chase her down and dig her out of a drain pipe. She was starving and mangy. But she was mine. Her best friend was Berretta who died 2 yrs ago. I'm kinda sad but I grew up on a farm and animals die all the time. But I'm going to miss my Daisy girl.

So what's up world? I guess work is still going. Had not the best week last week but I ended up with an extra day off. So that was a plus. I am just tired of people telling me what they think is best. It's just annoying as hell. Oh well. And hypocrites. That's even worse. Say one thing or tell you to do one thing knowing they don't have the balls to do the same thing. But I guess that is just true of life.

It has been so good to sleep at night this weekend tho. I love to sleep during the day but I seem to sleep better at night. But I like night shift. It's the shift I want to work.